FOU ! Editions

FOU ! Editions

The Mont Saint Michel Bay

Eat & Drink | salmon fisherman

Le Saumonier Granville

Rodolphe Belghazi was an engineer in marine products before going independent and honouring his values: discerning the best fish and using a tradi- tional craft paired with today’s innovations. It took Rodolphe a year to perfect his technique for smoking fish. When this delicate art is applied to exceptional fish, the results are divine. Smoked cold (for more of a crisp) or warm, you’ll find an abundant selection: Cherbourg salmon, dogfish, sea bass, eel, and locally sourced whelks and scallops, each carefully selected by Rodolphe.

The arrival in 2013 of Guillaume, with a background in Michelin-starred restaurants, led them to begin offering sushi, taramasalata, and more. Discover their entire range at the boutique while you observe the smoking technique through the window of the workshop, which you can tour on Thursdays at 5pm in summer, alone or with a group.

210 rue du Conillot 50400 Granville